Saturday, June 19, 2004

"Have you seen the one
Who takes his ego for his god?"

Have you seen how his
Heart burns with love
For everything except
Him, over and above?

Have you seen him
When he stands for salah?
His mind awhirl
Filled with ghaflah

Have you seen
How he gives fatwa from his own nafs?
Despising the ulema
For they make his life too tough

Have you seen how quickly
He turns on the music and TV
Not really caring
About the corruption he sets free?

Have you seen how quickly
He falls in love
Twisting the Qur'an and sunnah
To believe that she was sent from above?

Have you seen him preach
about Islam; it's beautiful, you see
While he lives his life
Like a Western wannabe?

No, it's not enough
To just pray and fast
To impress the people
With your knowledge vast

No, it's not enough
To be religious for a week
Then to turn on your heels
Your iman meek

For if you believe that Allah is Real
And Jannah is Real
And Jahannam is Real
Then there can be only one goal
For your life's toil
There can only be one outcome
Only one path to step upon

That is: You love what Allah loves
You hate what Allah hates
You think like the Mesenger thought
You behave like the Messenger behaved
For without the above
Your deeds are like dust
Be like the Messenger
And set your soul free
For everything else
is hypocrisy

"Have you seen the one
Who takes his ego for his god?"

NOTES: Using 'over' and 'above' in relation to Allah is metaphorical as Allah is independent of time and space.
'Ghaflah' is heedlessness.

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